Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ornament of the day - handmade bird

As promised, here is the first in my ornament of the day series. I love an eclectic tree, I think each ornament tells a story. In my family, we each get a new ornament or two to add to the tree every year. And of course, there are the ones we made as kids, some hand me downs from grandparents, and those we got as gifts along the way. I love unpacking all of the ornaments and decorating the tree, recalling the story behind each little trinket and bauble.

Today's ornament is a handmade bird that I created last year from some scraps of fabric, card stock, sequin trimming, and ribbon. I made a ton of these from different fabrics. I gave some as gifts and kept a few of my favorites for my tree.

The tree, by the way, this year is white! I spotted it in the Family Dollar store, which is next to the estate and antique shop I frequent. I have wanted a vintage tinsel tree for ages (or a vintage-y reproduction, at least). They do have some nice ones on sale at Target for around $70, but that doesn't agree with my penny pinching ways. So when I saw this guy for $20, I went for it. It's no silver tree, but it has a shabby chic, vintage vibe but is modern, too. My brother said it looked like the tree from Goodfellas, which was the kind of thing I was going for. I must confess I honestly had just passed up a pink tree at Big Lots. Controversial, I know. The tree is really nice and even though it's just 6 feet, it is the right size for my tiny, annoyingly narrow living room.

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